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THE ROBERT louis stevenson show   - TEchnical requirements

The show is designed to be presented as a 90 minute stand-alone presentation; generally, two 45 minute halves with a break between.
It is an intimate and friendly show, which we generally prefer to perform acoustically in sympathetic small spaces, unamplified and without PA, to audiences of up to one hundred people. Typical venues have been small theatres, grand rooms in old houses, libraries, museums, bookshops, literary festivals, small halls and lecture theatres. We require access to a digital projector and a screen, and there needs to be some element of blackout possible in the venue to make the pictures visible. We also require two small tables for the laptop, props and instruments. 
By negotiation, the show can be abbreviated to fit into shorter timeslots, and performed either acoustic or through PAs to larger audiences. 
Please contact us to discuss the details of the technical requirements for your venue.
Enquiries to +61400 653 589 or
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